On Being Ben’s Muse
Oct 9, 2014Ben says he married me for two reasons: The Tokeneke Beach Club and my legs. He’s often inspired to photograph me. It’s during those intimate moments when we’re hanging out and Ben notices me blow drying my hair, putting on makeup, stretching or just lying on the bed when he’ll say….”Wait, I want to get […]

Breakfast, Trudie
Oct 2, 2014My muse in a quiet moment eating her breakfast. She’s being natural, allowing me to explore her, allowing for a window into what is happening. She is the perfect muse, letting go of any goal beyond just being herself so I can capture the moment. It’s the mundane imbued with a story, leaving room for the […]

Transition Day
Sep 25, 2014When Trudie and I went to Nantucket last summer for our two weeks of shooting, we spent a couple nights at Ships Inn before our house was available. We discovered that our first day had to be a transition day. It became a day to shift our energy, tune into each other, allowing time to […]

Pushing the Boundaries
Sep 18, 2014When I look at Trudie I’m inspired to pick up my camera. Sometimes I see her beauty other times I see texture and rhythm. The photos I take of her are very intimate and personal. They are a part of our experience, our relationship. I’m not satisfied unless I feel the intimacy “my truth” in […]

Receiving the Gifts of the Muse, Nantucket
Sep 11, 2014It’s a perfect Nantucket day. I’m in the outdoor shower and Trudie comes over to keep me company, setting up her towel to get some sun. As I look out, I see her, relaxed, natural. I’m soaking wet but I have to quickly get my camera before the moment is gone. She’s being spontaneous, I […]